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Virtual Mental Health Services by Licensed Providers

Christinas' Hope LLC

Let me help you get on the path that is right for you

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Christina Dormstetter-O'Keefe and Christina Schoendorf had a hope to create a quality mental health option for people with mental illness. Unfortunately, Christina Schoendorf died before this idea could become a reality. In her memory, and following her own journey with medical disability, Christina Dormstetter-O'Keefe sought to make this dream a reality.

Meet the Christinas

Christina Dormstetter-O'Keefe is a virtual mental health service provider offering confidential and compassionate counseling to individuals, couples, and families. She is a licensed professional who is dedicated to providing personalized care to help you navigate life's challenges and improve your emotional well-being.

Christina Schoendorf was a dedicated and compassionate professional as well as mother and grandmother. She dedicated her life to helping others including working with people with mental illness and intellectual disabilities. She also dedicated a great deal of her career to supporting disabled and elderly adults through adult protective services. She is missed and not forgotten. Her dedication lives on in the lives she touched.

Meet Christina
This image is a photo of the deceased Christina Schoendorf

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