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Our Virtual Mental Health Services


At Christina's Hope, I offer personalized and confidential virtual therapy sessions with a licensed mental health provider. Individual therapy sessions are designed to help you overcome personal challenges and improve your mental health and overall well-being. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health concern, I am here to support you every step of the way.


Virtual couples therapy is designed to help couples improve communication, deepen intimacy, and strengthen relationships. The licensed mental health provider works collaboratively with couples to address the challenges they are facing and develop strategies to overcome them. Whether you're dealing with trust issues, conflicts, or other relationship problems, I am here to help you navigate through them together.


Virtual family counseling sessions provide a safe and supportive space for families to address and resolve conflicts, improve communication, and strengthen relationships. The licensed mental health provider works with families to develop strategies to improve family dynamics and overcome any challenges they may be facing. Whether you're dealing with parenting issues, family conflicts, or any other family-related challenge, we are here to help you and your loved ones.


In addition to our therapy and counseling services, we also offer virtual assessments to determine if you are in need of an emotional support animal with a focus on dogs and cats. Our licensed mental health providers identify diagnostic symptoms and needs to determine appropriateness for an emotional support animal. Sessions also help you to identify how to include your pet in your wellness toolbox.


In addition to therapy and counseling services, I also offer coaching services to address challenges that are not related to a mental health diagnosis. If you are experiencing career challenges, struggling to decide what you want to be when you "grow up," or just need a bit of guidance in your life that is not related to psychiatric symptoms, I am happy to provide coaching services.

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